2.10.25 | How Does Your Garden Grow

Around this time every year, I start to think about what I want to plant in the garden.

Gardening is a satisfying and calming hobby but I am so thankful that my livelihood doesn't depend on it. There are so many ways for plants to fail, whether by pests, poor soil quality, or climate extremes. So I am constantly impressed by all of our farmers that manage to produce such quality products for us at ZUNZUN despite all of the obstacles.  

Matt gave me some pollinator seed mixes for Christmas. I have tried a few times to broadcast seeds, but have never had success with that method. I started doing some research on best practices for starting seed mixes and found that American Meadows has some great tips and tutorials that I plan to follow.

And if I can't always succeed at producing vegetables, perhaps I can do my part and help the pollinators do their job—and thereby help our farmers do theirs.    

In case you’re interested, here are a few of the species in the seed mixes I’m looking at:

Blue Vervain

Elegant Lupine

Lemon Mint

Rocket Larkspur

Rocky Mountain Penstemon

Wild Petunia 

Joe Pye Weed

Wild Bergamot

Aromatic Aster 

Wish me luck!


Stephanie Wilkinson